- sharing ideas in assembly.
- fnding and reading posters around school.
- esafety themed literacy.
- watching Safer Internet Day TV.
- creating our own e-safety interactive quiz games.
Below are the ideas Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 had about staying safe online. This was a great way to start our day, showing we already had a good level of understanding.
Children in Years 4 & 5 finding and reading e-safety posters around school. How many can you find?
In our literacy lesson we created e-safety stories using scenario cards. We had to choose a character, location, device and emotion and then write a short educational story about being safe online under our chosen circumstances.
Here is a small selection of our stories. What messages can we learn from them?
At lunchtime, some of us gave up a few moments of our own time to add extra ideas to those we had in our morning assembly.
In the final part of our day, we created our own e-safety games using Tiny Tap. We then challenged each other by playing the games and putting what we had learned throughout the day to the test.