Our classroom was in desperate need in decoration in preparation for Christmas. Therefore, this afternoon, we created our own paper chain decorations. However, they weren't what many people would expect because we took some time before we started to connect our decorations to our recent research linked to our Christmas single. (Feed the World)
We started off by thinking about what Christmas was like for us, in our own homes. As you can see, we all have lots to look forward to.
However, as we know from our Oddizzi work earlier in the week, life in other countries is not always the same as on in our own. Many people are a lot less fortunate than ourselves. We then thought about what it might be like at Christmas in these areas and compared them to what we expecting our own to be like.
We also thought about some of the lyrics from our Christmas single, Feed the World, to help generate some ideas.
We could clearly see that we had a lot to be thankful and grateful for in our own lives. Our groups then suggested some of the things we would stop to say thank you for on Christmas day. We also suggested some of the changes we could make to show greater appreciation of the issues in other parts of the world.
With all of this in mind, we then created the links for our Christmas decorations. Each link contains a message explaining something we will be thankful for this Christmas or one thing we would like to change to show appreciation of our own situation.
Everybody worked very hard to complete their decorations.
Thinking carefully about what we will be thankful for this Christmas.
A finished decoration ready to be put up (not on the walls Miss Hemmings)
Our finished decorations adding a little splash of colour to the classroom.
Our Christmas single, Feed the World, will be available to buy from Thursday 12th December with 50% going towards a hunger based charity (to be decided by the class).
12/5/2013 01:25:14 am
I think this was really fun Mr Patterson me and mark worked together really well i gess
12/5/2013 01:34:58 am
These look really good i wish i was there to make one.
12/5/2013 02:44:06 am
Mr patterson i have some facts for you:
-you have to be grateful for what you get because other people get none.
-also, you need to make sure you are thankful for the gifts you get
-you can raise money by making presents for a pound and the give the money you have earned to charities like Mary's meals.
M Patterson
12/5/2013 02:51:49 am
Some well thought out comments Rachel.
You have made a good suggestion for a charity that relates to the issues you have been learning about.
Could you find out a little more about Mary's Meals Rachel? Perhaps you could prepare a short PowerPoint to show the class? We need to choose a charity to donate to and this seems like an appropriate choice to consider.
Mrs Davis
12/5/2013 06:33:45 am
Nice to see some thoughtful comments being made by year five - this relates very well to my assembly this morning - We can all give something at Christmas: a hug, smile, song...the gift of giving can be powerful.
1/2/2014 04:44:55 am
Mr Patterson that letter what u give people including me about caching up on my maths. Dose it start as soon as we go back to school. please let me now before we go back to school .
M Patterson
1/2/2014 05:04:12 am
I'll find out for you Sophie and reply to this post. Enjoy the rest of your holiday.
M Patterson
1/2/2014 05:07:05 am
Hi Sophie.
I have checked with Mr Temple. The maths does start on the first Monday back.
So it starts Monday the 6th of January.
Enjoy the last few days of your break.
Comments are closed.
Welcome to Year 5's blog at Tanfield Lea Community Primary School, a primary school in County Durham who want to broaden our horizons and to show the world what we have to offer.
Our September topic will be 'The Normans', looking at the history of the Norman periods and what we can learn about that time period using primary and secondary sources.
Our literacy will be based on the book 'Goodnight Mr Tom' by Michelle Magorian which takes place during the Second World War.